Controlling fasl location

Paul Bowyer pbowyer at
Mon Jun 17 17:52:36 UTC 2013

Hello Max,

I tried the code in *inferior-lisp* and it produced this function

I then tried compiling/loading a file, but the fasl still goes in my 
source directory.

I tried placing the code in ~/.swank.lisp, started emacs/slime, 
compiled/loaded a file, and still the fasl ends up in my source directory.

Is there some glue code that connect this function to compile-file in 
slime that might be missing?

By the way, when you email me, I get two messages per mailing.


Paul Bowyer

On 06/17/2013 09:20 AM, Max Mikhanosha wrote:
> No this is on Common Lisp side, not the Elisp side, it needs to run
> after SLIME is already loaded. I have it in a ~/.swank.lisp file, which
> Slime loads on CommonLisp side when its initializing.
> I suggest that you test drive the code to verify that it works for
> you, you can execute it from REPL without making it permanent.
> At Mon, 17 Jun 2013 09:15:17 -0700,
> Paul Bowyer wrote:
>> Hello Max,
>> Thanks for the lisp code. Now I would like to know where you place this
>> code. Is it placed in .emacs or some other place? If it's placed in
>> .emacs, is there a particular location there? The reason I ask is that I
>> tried placing a defun in .emacs and I couldn't get it to work. Sorry for
>> my ignorance...
>> Sincerely,
>> Paul Bowyer
>> On 06/17/2013 08:03 AM, Max Mikhanosha wrote:
>>> Here is what I been using for a few years, C-c C-k output goes to the
>>> same place as asdf.  Note I don't remember why it does this through
>>> find-symbol, but I it could be that Slime not always had the
>>> *FASL-PATHNAME-FUNCTION* thing, and I wanted it to work on both new
>>> and old slime.. You can probably convert find-symbol to defvar or
>>> such.
>>> ;; Make C-c C-k in SLIME also use the correct directory
>>> (let (fasl-finder-sym)
>>>     (when (and (find-package :swank)
>>>                (setq fasl-finder-sym
>>>                      (find-symbol "*FASL-PATHNAME-FUNCTION*" :swank))
>>>                (null (symbol-value fasl-finder-sym)))
>>>       (set fasl-finder-sym
>>>            (lambda (path options)
>>>              (declare (ignore options))
>>>              (let ((fasl-path
>>>                      (asdf:apply-output-translations (compile-file-pathname path))))
>>>                (when fasl-path
>>>                  (ensure-directories-exist fasl-path)
>>>                  fasl-path))))))
>>> At Sun, 16 Jun 2013 15:39:38 -0700,
>>> Paul Bowyer wrote:
>>>> Hello Helmut,
>>>> I found this link on the slime-developer mailing list and I wondered if
>>>> it is usable and if so, how would I implement it? I don't have a lot of
>>>> experience fiddling with slime's internals.
>>>> Is there some other convenient way to set the location for fasl files
>>>> from within a slime session so that when I do a compile/load, the fasl
>>>> goes to the same location as the output from asdf. Currently the output
>>>> from asdf goes to one place, and the output from compile/load goes to my
>>>> source directory.
>>>> I'm looking for a simple function call that would pass a pathname or
>>>> would return to the default if no pathname was passed or maybe just a
>>>> variable that I can set from within a slime session that would do the
>>>> job. I only want this to to happen for some projects and not happen for
>>>> others that don't yet use asdf.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Paul Bowyer

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