[slime-devel] Re: asdf:load'ing swank

Helmut Eller heller at common-lisp.net
Wed Sep 12 17:57:44 UTC 2007

* Christophe Rhodes [2007-09-12 16:47+0200] writes:

> +(labels ((swank-find-symbol (keyword &optional (package :swank))
> +           (find-symbol (symbol-name keyword) package))
> +         (swank-set (keyword value)
> +           (set (swank-find-symbol keyword) value))
> +         (swank-symbol-value (keyword)
> +           (symbol-value (swank-find-symbol keyword))))
> +  (swank-set :*swank-wire-protocol-version* (slime-version-string))
> +  (swank-set :*load-path* 
> +             (append (swank-symbol-value :*load-path*)
> +                     (list (contrib-src-dir *source-directory*))))
> +  (funcall (swank-find-symbol :warn-unimplemented-interfaces :swank-backend))
> +  (load-site-init-file *source-directory*)
> +  (load-user-init-file)
> +  (funcall (swank-find-symbol :run-after-init-hook)))
> Because I'm uncertain how much the base-level swank directory is open
> to commits from dilettantes like me, I'm asking for review or some
> kind of affirmation on this patch. 

I think this kind of code is ugly.  It does what eval does, just much
more verbose.  I would very much prefer a patch for swank.asd to make
it load the source.

> (In the case where this patch or
> something with equivalent functionality is completely vetoed, it would
> probably be sensible to revoke my cvs permissions explicitly, or at
> least explain the ground rules for using them).

As a SBCL maintainer you can mess around with swank-sbcl.lisp as much
as you like.  Modifications to the core should primarily be
simplifications, i.e. the code should get shorter.  For contribs, do
whatever you like.


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