[slime-devel] Re: SLIME via ssh?

Thomas F. Burdick tfb at OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Thu Apr 14 07:28:12 UTC 2005

Zach Beane writes:

 > This setup has worked very well for me so far.

That's essentially my setup, too.  I have a couple different SBCL
processes images jailed in different places, so I have them listening
on different ports (4005,6,7...).  One thing that's kind of a gotcha
is that normally Swank uses two ports, one for Emacs->SBCL
communication, and one for SBCL->Emacs stuff.  If you set
swank:*use-dedicated-output-stream* to nil, all Swank communication
will happen over the forwarded port.

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