[slime-devel] Re: features from ILisp I miss in slime

Luke Gorrie luke at synap.se
Wed Nov 24 02:54:53 UTC 2004

Rodrigo Ventura <yoda at isr.ist.utl.pt> writes:

> - there are a list of key bindings that can be seen after a C-h m in a
> Lisp Slime mode, which do not work (e.g., C-c C-a, C-c C-c, etc.) Some
> of them have different key bindings in Slime, while others follow a
> distinct functional scheme (e.g., showing arguments as you type, which
> works fine in slime).

We have generally overridden the inf-lisp/ilisp bindings so they are
not supposed to work. This is because they talk directly to
*inferior-lisp* and aren't consistent with SLIME's style.

It was confusing before when people would accidentally use non-SLIME
commands thinking they belonged to SLIME and get weird results.

`C-c C-a' we have currently reserved for future use; C-c C-c should
compile the definition at point.

> - in the REPL loop M-p is not quite pratical; couldn't you use for
> instance C-up for last expression entered (similar to ILisp)?

I added bindings for C-{up,down} since comint-mode also provides these
in addition to M-{n,p}.


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