[slime-devel] Re: features from ILisp I miss in slime

Surendra Singhi efuzzyone at netscape.net
Wed Nov 24 03:51:46 UTC 2004

Luke Gorrie wrote:

> Rodrigo Ventura <yoda at isr.ist.utl.pt> writes:
>>- there are a list of key bindings that can be seen after a C-h m in a
>>Lisp Slime mode, which do not work (e.g., C-c C-a, C-c C-c, etc.) Some
>>of them have different key bindings in Slime, while others follow a
>>distinct functional scheme (e.g., showing arguments as you type, which
>>works fine in slime).
> We have generally overridden the inf-lisp/ilisp bindings so they are
> not supposed to work. This is because they talk directly to
> *inferior-lisp* and aren't consistent with SLIME's style.
> It was confusing before when people would accidentally use non-SLIME
> commands thinking they belonged to SLIME and get weird results.
> `C-c C-a' we have currently reserved for future use; C-c C-c should
> compile the definition at point.
>>- in the REPL loop M-p is not quite pratical; couldn't you use for
>>instance C-up for last expression entered (similar to ILisp)?
> I added bindings for C-{up,down} since comint-mode also provides these
> in addition to M-{n,p}.
> Cheers,
> Luke
In slime 1-0 the menu bar shows M-p as the shortcut for both previous 
and next input(I think it means the same as command).

But the shortcut key works as the previous command(input). The options 
in the menu works fine.

What is the shortcut key for the next command.

Surendra Singhi


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