[slime-devel] Re: features from ILisp I miss in slime
Chris Capel
pdf23ds at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 03:00:29 UTC 2004
"Peter Seibel" <peter at javamonkey.com> wrote in message
news:m3wtwcm11l.fsf at javamonkey.com...
> Rodrigo Ventura <yoda at isr.ist.utl.pt> writes:
>> - in the REPL loop M-p is not quite pratical; couldn't you use for
>> instance C-up for last expression entered (similar to ILisp)?
> Hmmm. M-p is consistent with shell mode which makes me very happy. I'm
> annoyed at any command-line kind of thing in Emacs that doesn't follow
> that convention.
You mean Eshell? [Up] is bound the same as M-p by default, and you have to
use C-p and C-n to move the cursor vertically. In fact, I'd like it to be
the same in my slime-repl, by default. [Up] is for history as well as M-p,
and C-p is for cursor movement.
Chris Capel
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