[munich-lisp] Next meeting

Tobias C. Rittweiler tcr at freebits.de
Sun Oct 25 13:28:26 UTC 2009

Piotr Esden-Tempski <esdentem at in.tum.de> writes:

> Hi,
> The presentation is on the 29th and 30th so Lorenz and me will not be
> able to attend this week at all. (do not bother with me because I am
> leaving on the 31 Oct and will be back in Dec anyways) Lorenz tells me
> that he would be able to attend the week afterwords. But just carry on
> guys, it was already long enough between the meetings. :)

I'll happily wait another week then. I haven't heard anything about the
room reservation anyway. So let's just skip October, and plan for early


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