[mcclim-devel] presenting expressions, nested presentations

Andy Hefner ahefner at gmail.com
Wed Nov 22 01:22:44 UTC 2006

I was imagining just using this on return values and other compatibly
presented objects. I suppose the idea applies to accept-results too,
but I'm having trouble imagining the purpose (where did the
accept-result come from, if not somewhere else in the window where you
could inspect in a less confusing fashion?).

If you've got some wild ideas for ways to apply Drei, I'd like to hear them.

On 11/21/06, Troels Henriksen <athas at sigkill.dk> wrote:
> "Andy Hefner" <ahefner at gmail.com> writes:
> > Alternately, I've been thinking it would be useful to integrate the
> > inspector into the listener, so that you can immediately start
> > clicking your way through returned values.
> By expanding parts of the accept result in-place, as if there was a
> Clouseau embedded in the pane? That would be useful; in fact, that's
> half of my Clouseau use cases. Also, it would make for great
> screenshots!

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