[mcclim-devel] asdf-install ready mcclim.asd

Andreas Fuchs asf at boinkor.net
Mon Jan 31 19:13:00 UTC 2005

Today, Paolo Amoroso <amoroso at mclink.it> wrote:
> I tried doing fresh--i.e. with no previous fasl files--builds from
> source with both the McCLIM stock system definition in system.lisp,
> and yours in mcclim.asd.  In the former case I evaluated:
> (time (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :clim-clx-user))
> with the following results:
> ; Evaluation took:
> ;   105.52 seconds of real time
> ;   98.77198 seconds of user run time
> ;   5.588151 seconds of system run time
> ;   295,305,900,480 CPU cycles
> ;   [Run times include 17.97 seconds GC run time]
> ;   76 page faults and
> ;   2,846,968,944 bytes consed.
> ;
> With your system definition I did two fresh builds:
> (time (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :mcclim))
> with these results:
> ; Evaluation took:
> ;   114.92 seconds of real time
> ;   107.795616 seconds of user run time
> ;   6.215055 seconds of system run time
> ;   321,613,490,332 CPU cycles
> ;   [Run times include 19.19 seconds GC run time]
> ;   0 page faults and
> ;   2,926,042,568 bytes consed.
> ;
> ; Evaluation took:
> ;   105.63 seconds of real time
> ;   100.02179 seconds of user run time
> ;   5.436173 seconds of system run time
> ;   295,608,660,228 CPU cycles
> ;   [Run times include 18.29 seconds GC run time]
> ;   0 page faults and
> ;   2,927,419,672 bytes consed.
> ;
> I use the latest McCLIM CVS sources with CMUCL Snapshot 2005-01
> under Slackware Linux 10.0, running on a 2.8 GHz Pentium IV with 2
> GB of RAM.

So it worked (-:

Of course, with a fresh build, there won't be any performance
improvements in build time - quite to the contrary, the additional
dependency information adds a bit of overhead.

The real improvements happen if you happen to touch just one file in
an already-built McCLIM installation, like setf-star.lisp that I
mentioned (requires 14 fewer files to be rebuilt, compared to
system.lisp), or repaint.lisp (7 fewer files).

By the way, I have put up an asdf-installable tarball of yesterday's
McCLIM CVS checkout (non-anonymous CVS, though).

Testers, get it via ASDF-INSTALL by running:

(asdf-install:install "http://boinkor.net/lisp/mcclim/mcclim-2005-01-31.tar.gz")

on your favorite lisp REPL. One pitfall: remove old links to
system.lisp from your asdf:*central-registry* directories. I had to
remove symlinks called clim.asd, clim-clx.asd, clim-clx-user.asd and

Nice test case after you installed it:

(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :clim-examples)
(clim-demo::run-test 'clim-demo::method-browser)

and enter clim:note-sheet-grafted (-:

Andreas Fuchs, <asf at boinkor.net>, asf at jabber.at, antifuchs

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