[lisp-game-dev] hello and thoughts on lisp games

Josh sykopomp at sykosomatic.org
Sat Nov 28 20:10:16 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

On 11/28/2009 09:39 AM, Brandon Edens wrote:
> Hi David...
> On Sat, 2009-11-28 at 06:03 -0500, David O'Toole wrote:
>> Hey out there,
>> 1. FLGC09 (the Friendly Lisp Games Competition) is going on now.
>>  Compo guidelines at:
>> http://lispgamesdev.blogspot.com/2009/11/lisp-games-compo.html
>> These guidelines are just what I threw together, and are totally
>> open to discussion and debate. Comments and criticisms welcome.
> Pretty cool. I'm busy learning OpenGL via the Superbible while
> porting the exercises to Common Lisp w/ cl-opengl (have to look at
> lispbuilder +opengl now).
> I didn't know you were formerly part of irrational games / 2k. I
> just finished playing Bioshock the other day. That was quite good.
> Too bad the PS3 port didn't come out until a year after the game
> was released.
>> I'd like to use the mailing list to post compo entries and
>> discuss each  entry in its own thread. I think this will help
>> keep things organized and allow us to maintain a record of the
>> compo.
> Feel free... We have 21 members. I just moderated Josh for what I
> believe was possibly robot spam in that earlier message this
> morning? Josh send me private email if you feel this was in error.
>> 2. There are at least four different lisp game engines projects
>> going on, which is good for developer choice.
>> http://code.google.com/p/lispbuilder/wiki/Community
> Need good SDL bindings... I'm going to have to go and pull down
> lispbuilder and check it out. I'd installed cl-sdl but didn't get
> a chance to touch it yet. Project looked dead when I inspected it
> yesterday.
> I used pygame for my jukebox user interface but then got bogged
> down trying to get python-ogre functioning under Ubuntu. Would've
> been nice had that stuff been more put together. It seems like C++
> bindings are always a problem regardless of the language.
>> And besides LISPBUILDER related stuff, there is also UID and
>> Squirl
> Got links for UID and Squirl ?
>> going on. It would be interesting to try to put together a
>> complete map of the lisp gaming community, and hopefully get all
>> of them to join this list.
> Curious too. We need more batteries (to borrow from Python's
> parlance). I'm still working on my cl-rst and cl-yaml
> implementations. More of an urge to get them done knowing that
> others are out and about possibly needing these things.
>> 3. Welcome new members, please introduce yourselves and your
>> projects, if any...
> I'm alive. Brandon Edens working at http://as220.org/ in
> Providence RI...
> Brandon
> _______________________________________________
>> lisp-game-dev mailing list lisp-game-dev at common-lisp.net
>> http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/lisp-game-dev
....What robot spam? I was introducing myself >:|

The links to UID and SquirL are there.

- -sykopomp
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