[graphic-forms-cvs] r94 - in trunk: . src/demos/unblocked

junrue at common-lisp.net junrue at common-lisp.net
Sun Apr 9 18:02:37 UTC 2006

Author: junrue
Date: Sun Apr  9 14:02:36 2006
New Revision: 94

now using Cells experimentally as the data model for the unblocked demo

Modified: trunk/build.lisp
--- trunk/build.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/build.lisp	Sun Apr  9 14:02:36 2006
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 (defvar *asdf-repo-root*    (concatenate 'string *library-root* "asdf-repo/"))
 (defvar *project-root*      "c:/projects/public/")
+(setf   *cells-dir*         (concatenate 'string *asdf-repo-root* "cells/"))
 (setf   *cffi-dir*          (concatenate 'string *asdf-repo-root* "cffi-0.9.0/"))
 (setf   *closer-mop-dir*    (concatenate 'string *asdf-repo-root* "closer-mop/"))
 (setf   *imagemagick-dir*   "c:/Program Files/ImageMagick-6.2.6-Q16/")

Modified: trunk/config.lisp
--- trunk/config.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/config.lisp	Sun Apr  9 14:02:36 2006
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 (in-package #:graphic-forms-system)
+(defvar *cells-dir*       "cells/")
 (defvar *cffi-dir*        "cffi-0.9.0/")
 (defvar *closer-mop-dir*  "closer-mop/")
 (defvar *imagemagick-dir* "c:/Program Files/ImageMagick-6.2.6-Q16/")
@@ -51,6 +52,7 @@
               `(ext:cd ,path))
 (defun configure-asdf ()
+  (pushnew *cells-dir* asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)
   (pushnew *cffi-dir* asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)
   (pushnew *closer-mop-dir* asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)
   (pushnew *lw-compat-dir* asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal))

Modified: trunk/graphic-forms-tests.asd
--- trunk/graphic-forms-tests.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/graphic-forms-tests.asd	Sun Apr  9 14:02:36 2006
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
   :version "0.2.0"
   :author "Jack D. Unrue"
   :licence "BSD"
+  :depends-on ("cells")
     ((:module "src"

Modified: trunk/src/demos/unblocked/double-buffered-event-dispatcher.lisp
--- trunk/src/demos/unblocked/double-buffered-event-dispatcher.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/demos/unblocked/double-buffered-event-dispatcher.lisp	Sun Apr  9 14:02:36 2006
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@
 (defvar *background-color* (gfg:make-color :red 0 :green #x80 :blue #x80))
-(defgeneric update-buffer (disp tiles)
+(defgeneric update-buffer (disp)
   (:documentation "Revises the image buffer so that the associated window can be repainted.")
-  (:method (disp tiles)
-    (declare (ignorable disp tiles))))
+  (:method (disp)
+    (declare (ignorable disp))))
 (defclass double-buffered-event-dispatcher (gfw:event-dispatcher)

Modified: trunk/src/demos/unblocked/scoreboard-panel.lisp
--- trunk/src/demos/unblocked/scoreboard-panel.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/demos/unblocked/scoreboard-panel.lisp	Sun Apr  9 14:02:36 2006
@@ -92,9 +92,10 @@
           (setf (value-font-of self) (make-instance 'gfg:font :gc gc :data *scoreboard-value-font-data*)))
       (gfs:dispose gc))))
-(defmethod draw-scoreboard-row (gc row image-size label-font label-text value-font value-text)
+(defmethod draw-scoreboard-row (gc row image-size label-font label-text value-font value)
   (let* ((metrics (gfg:metrics gc label-font))
-         (text-pnt (gfs:make-point :x +scoreboard-text-margin+ :y (* row (gfg:height metrics)))))
+         (text-pnt (gfs:make-point :x +scoreboard-text-margin+ :y (* row (gfg:height metrics))))
+         (value-text (format nil "~:d" value)))
     (setf (gfg:font gc) label-font)
     (setf (gfg:foreground-color gc) *text-color*)
     (gfg:draw-text gc label-text text-pnt)
@@ -103,8 +104,7 @@
                                     (gfs:size-width (gfg:text-extent gc value-text))))
     (gfg:draw-text gc value-text text-pnt)))
-(defmethod update-buffer ((self scoreboard-panel-events) tiles)
-  (declare (ignore tiles))
+(defmethod update-buffer ((self scoreboard-panel-events))
   (let ((gc (make-instance 'gfg:graphics-context :image (image-buffer-of self)))
         (label-font (label-font-of self))
         (value-font (value-font-of self))
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@
           (clear-buffer self gc)
-          (draw-scoreboard-row gc 0 image-size label-font +level-label+ value-font (model-level))
-          (draw-scoreboard-row gc 1 image-size label-font +score-label+ value-font (model-score))
-          (draw-scoreboard-row gc 2 image-size label-font +points-needed-label+ value-font (model-points-needed)))
+          (draw-scoreboard-row gc 1 image-size label-font +score-label+ value-font (game-score))
+          (draw-scoreboard-row gc 0 image-size label-font +level-label+ value-font (game-level))
+          (draw-scoreboard-row gc 2 image-size label-font +points-needed-label+ value-font (game-points-needed)))
       (gfs:dispose gc))))
 (defclass scoreboard-panel (gfw:panel) ())

Modified: trunk/src/demos/unblocked/tiles-panel.lisp
--- trunk/src/demos/unblocked/tiles-panel.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/demos/unblocked/tiles-panel.lisp	Sun Apr  9 14:02:36 2006
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 (defmethod gfw:event-mouse-down ((self tiles-panel-events) panel time point button)
   (declare (ignore time))
-  (let* ((tiles (model-tiles))
+  (let* ((tiles (game-tiles))
          (tile-pnt (window->tiles point))
          (tile-kind (obtain-tile tiles tile-pnt))
          (shape-pnts (shape-pnts-of self))
@@ -118,23 +118,18 @@
 (defmethod gfw:event-mouse-up ((self tiles-panel-events) panel time point button)
   (declare (ignore time))
-  (let* ((tiles (model-tiles))
-         (tile-pnt (window->tiles point))
-         (shape-pnts (shape-pnts-of self)))
+  (let ((tile-pnt (window->tiles point))
+        (shape-pnts (shape-pnts-of self)))
     (if (and (eql button :left-button)
                (find tile-pnt shape-pnts :test #'eql-point))
-      (progn
-        (loop for pnt in shape-pnts do (set-tile tiles pnt 0))
-        (collapse-tiles tiles)
-        (update-buffer (gfw:dispatcher panel) tiles)
-        (gfw:redraw panel))
+      (game-shape-data shape-pnts)
       (if shape-pnts
         (draw-tiles-directly panel shape-pnts (shape-kind-of self)))))
   (setf (shape-kind-of self) 0)
   (setf (shape-pnts-of self) nil))
-(defmethod update-buffer ((self tiles-panel-events) tiles)
+(defmethod update-buffer ((self tiles-panel-events))
   (let ((gc (make-instance 'gfg:graphics-context :image (image-buffer-of self)))
         (image-table (tile-image-table-of self)))
     (clear-buffer self gc)
@@ -142,7 +137,7 @@
         (map-tiles #'(lambda (pnt kind)
                        (unless (= kind 0)
                          (gfg:draw-image gc (gethash kind image-table) (tiles->window pnt))))
-                   tiles)
+                   (game-tiles))
       (gfs:dispose gc))))
 (defclass tiles-panel (gfw:panel) ())

Modified: trunk/src/demos/unblocked/tiles.lisp
--- trunk/src/demos/unblocked/tiles.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/demos/unblocked/tiles.lisp	Sun Apr  9 14:02:36 2006
@@ -120,3 +120,10 @@
   (let ((size (size-tiles tiles)))
     (dotimes (i (gfs:size-width size))
       (setf (aref tiles i) (collapse-column (aref tiles i))))))
+(defun clone-tiles (orig-tiles)
+  (let* ((width (gfs:size-width (size-tiles orig-tiles)))
+         (new-tiles (make-array width :initial-element nil)))
+    (dotimes (i width)
+      (setf (aref new-tiles i) (copy-seq (aref orig-tiles i))))
+    new-tiles))

Modified: trunk/src/demos/unblocked/unblocked-model.lisp
--- trunk/src/demos/unblocked/unblocked-model.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/demos/unblocked/unblocked-model.lisp	Sun Apr  9 14:02:36 2006
@@ -33,26 +33,79 @@
 (in-package :graphic-forms.uitoolkit.tests)
-(defvar *tiles* nil)
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (defconstant +max-tile-kinds+   6)
-  (defconstant +horz-tile-count+ 16)
+  (defconstant +horz-tile-count+ 17)
   (defconstant +vert-tile-count+ 12))
-(defun init-model-tiles ()
-  (setf *tiles* (init-tiles +horz-tile-count+ +vert-tile-count+ (1- +max-tile-kinds+)))
-  *tiles*)
-(defun model-tiles ()
-  *tiles*)
-(defun model-level ()
-  (format nil "~:d" 134))
+(defun factorial (n)
+  (if (zerop n)
+    1
+    (* n (factorial (1- n)))))
+(cells:defmodel unblocked-game-model ()
+  ((level
+    :accessor level
+    :initform (cells:c? (let* ((lvl (if cells:.cache cells:.cache 1))
+                               (pnts-needed (* 20 (factorial lvl))))
+                          (if (>= (^score) pnts-needed)
+                            (1+ lvl)
+                            lvl))))
+   (score
+    :accessor score
+    :initform (cells:c? (+ (if cells:.cache cells:.cache 0)
+                           (* 5 (length (^shape-data))))))
+   (points-needed
+    :accessor points-needed
+    :initform (cells:c? (* 20 (factorial (^level)))))
+   (shape-data
+    :accessor shape-data
+    :initform (cells:c-in nil))
+   (tiles
+    :accessor tiles
+    :initform (cells:c? (let ((tmp nil)
+                              (data (^shape-data)))
+                          (if (null cells:.cache)
+                            (progn
+                              (setf tmp (init-tiles +horz-tile-count+
+                                                    +vert-tile-count+
+                                                    (1- +max-tile-kinds+)))
+                              (collapse-tiles tmp))
+                            (if data
+                              (progn
+                                (setf tmp (clone-tiles cells:.cache))
+                                (loop for pnt in data do (set-tile tmp pnt 0))
+                                (collapse-tiles tmp))
+                              (setf tmp cells:.cache)))
+                          tmp)))))
+(defvar *game* (make-instance 'unblocked-game-model))
+(defun reset-game ()
+  (cells:cells-reset)
+  (setf *game* (make-instance 'unblocked-game-model)))
+(defun game-tiles ()
+  (tiles *game*))
+(defun game-shape-data (pnts)
+  (setf (shape-data *game*) pnts))
+(defun game-level ()
+  (level *game*))
+(defun game-points-needed ()
+  (- (points-needed *game*) (score *game*)))
+(defun game-score ()
+  (score *game*))
+(defun update-panel (panel)
+  (update-buffer (gfw:dispatcher panel))
+  (gfw:redraw panel))
-(defun model-points-needed ()
-  (format nil "~:d" 30964))
+(cells:defobserver score ((self unblocked-game-model))
+  (update-panel (get-scoreboard-panel)))
-(defun model-score ()
-  (format nil "~:d" 1548238))
+(cells:defobserver tiles ((self unblocked-game-model))
+  (update-panel (get-tiles-panel)))

Modified: trunk/src/demos/unblocked/unblocked-window.lisp
--- trunk/src/demos/unblocked/unblocked-window.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/demos/unblocked/unblocked-window.lisp	Sun Apr  9 14:02:36 2006
@@ -48,12 +48,11 @@
 (defun new-unblocked (disp item time rect)
   (declare (ignore disp item time rect))
+  (reset-game)
   (let ((tiles-disp (gfw:dispatcher *tiles-panel*))
-        (scoreboard-disp (gfw:dispatcher *scoreboard-panel*))
-        (tiles (init-model-tiles)))
-    (update-buffer scoreboard-disp tiles)
-    (collapse-tiles tiles)
-    (update-buffer tiles-disp tiles)
+        (scoreboard-disp (gfw:dispatcher *scoreboard-panel*)))
+    (update-buffer scoreboard-disp)
+    (update-buffer tiles-disp)
     (gfw:redraw *scoreboard-panel*)
     (gfw:redraw *tiles-panel*)))
@@ -83,7 +82,9 @@
                                           (:item "&Restart" :callback #'restart-unblocked)
                                           (:item "Reveal &Move" :callback #'reveal-unblocked)
                                           (:item "" :separator)
-                                          (:item "E&xit" :callback #'quit-unblocked))))))
+                                          (:item "E&xit" :callback #'quit-unblocked)))
+                               (:item "&Help"
+                                :submenu ((:item "&About"))))))
         (scoreboard-buffer-size (compute-scoreboard-size))
         (tile-buffer-size (gfs:make-size :width (+ (* +horz-tile-count+ +tile-bmp-width+)

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