[graphic-forms-cvs] r93 - in trunk/src: demos/unblocked uitoolkit/graphics uitoolkit/widgets

junrue at common-lisp.net junrue at common-lisp.net
Sat Apr 8 05:34:23 UTC 2006

Author: junrue
Date: Sat Apr  8 01:34:22 2006
New Revision: 93

even better selection behavior in the unblocked demo

Modified: trunk/src/demos/unblocked/scoreboard-panel.lisp
--- trunk/src/demos/unblocked/scoreboard-panel.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/demos/unblocked/scoreboard-panel.lisp	Sat Apr  8 01:34:22 2006
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
     (gfg:draw-text gc value-text text-pnt)))
 (defmethod update-buffer ((self scoreboard-panel-events) tiles)
+  (declare (ignore tiles))
   (let ((gc (make-instance 'gfg:graphics-context :image (image-buffer-of self)))
         (label-font (label-font-of self))
         (value-font (value-font-of self))

Modified: trunk/src/demos/unblocked/tiles-panel.lisp
--- trunk/src/demos/unblocked/tiles-panel.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/demos/unblocked/tiles-panel.lisp	Sat Apr  8 01:34:22 2006
@@ -52,27 +52,26 @@
       (gfs:make-point :x xpos :y ypos))))
-(defclass tiles-timer-events (gfw:event-dispatcher)
-  ((panel-dispatcher
-    :accessor panel-dispatcher
-    :initarg :panel-dispatcher
-    :initform nil)))
-(defmethod gfw:event-timer ((self tiles-timer-events) timer time)
-  (declare (ignore timer time))
-  (let ((tiles (model-tiles)))
-    (collapse-tiles tiles)
-    (update-buffer (panel-dispatcher self) tiles)
-    (gfw:redraw (get-tiles-panel))))
 (defclass tiles-panel-events (double-buffered-event-dispatcher)
     :accessor tile-image-table-of
     :initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
-   (mouse-tile
-    :accessor mouse-tile-of
+   (shape-kind
+    :accessor shape-kind-of
+    :initform 0)
+   (shape-pnts
+    :accessor shape-pnts-of
     :initform nil)))
+(defun draw-tiles-directly (panel shape-pnts kind)
+  (let ((gc (make-instance 'gfg:graphics-context :widget panel))
+        (image-table (tile-image-table-of (gfw:dispatcher panel))))
+    (unwind-protect
+        (loop for pnt in shape-pnts
+              do (let ((image (gethash kind image-table)))
+                   (gfg:draw-image gc image (tiles->window pnt))))
+      (gfs:dispose gc))))
 (defmethod dispose ((self tiles-panel-events))
   (let ((table (tile-image-table-of self)))
     (maphash #'(lambda (kind image)
@@ -80,6 +79,7 @@
                  (gfs:dispose image))
   (setf (tile-image-table-of self) nil)
+  (setf (shape-pnts-of self) nil)
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self tiles-panel-events) &key buffer-size)
@@ -94,38 +94,45 @@
                (incf kind)))))
 (defmethod gfw:event-mouse-down ((self tiles-panel-events) panel time point button)
-  (declare (ignore panel time))
-  (let ((tile-pnt (window->tiles point)))
-    (if (and (eql button :left-button) (not (null tile-pnt)))
-      (setf (mouse-tile-of self) tile-pnt)
-      (setf (mouse-tile-of self) nil))))
+  (declare (ignore time))
+  (let* ((tiles (model-tiles))
+         (tile-pnt (window->tiles point))
+         (tile-kind (obtain-tile tiles tile-pnt))
+         (shape-pnts (shape-pnts-of self))
+         (tmp-table (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
+    (unless (or (null shape-pnts) (find tile-pnt shape-pnts :test #'eql-point))
+      (draw-tiles-directly panel shape-pnts (shape-kind-of self))
+      (setf (shape-pnts-of self) nil)
+      (setf (shape-kind-of self) 0))
+    (setf shape-pnts nil)
+    (if (and (eql button :left-button) (> tile-kind 0))
+      (shape-tiles tiles tile-pnt tmp-table))
+    (when (> (hash-table-count tmp-table) 1)
+      (maphash #'(lambda (pnt kind)
+                   (declare (ignore kind))
+                   (push pnt shape-pnts))
+               tmp-table)
+      (setf (shape-kind-of self) tile-kind)
+      (setf (shape-pnts-of self) shape-pnts)
+      (draw-tiles-directly panel shape-pnts +max-tile-kinds+))))
 (defmethod gfw:event-mouse-up ((self tiles-panel-events) panel time point button)
   (declare (ignore time))
-  (let ((tile-pnt (window->tiles point))
-        (tiles (model-tiles)))
-    (if (and (eql button :left-button) (not (null tile-pnt)) (eql-point tile-pnt (mouse-tile-of self)))
-      (let ((results (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
-        (unless (= (obtain-tile tiles tile-pnt) 0)
-          (shape-tiles tiles tile-pnt results)
-          (when (> (hash-table-count results) 1)
-            (let ((gc (make-instance 'gfg:graphics-context :widget panel))
-                  (image-table (tile-image-table-of self)))
-              (unwind-protect
-                  (maphash #'(lambda (pnt kind)
-                               (declare (ignore kind))
-                               (set-tile tiles pnt 0)
-                               (gfg:draw-image gc
-                                               (gethash +max-tile-kinds+ image-table)
-                                               (tiles->window pnt)))
-                           results)
-                (gfs:dispose gc)))
-            (gfw:start (make-instance 'gfw:timer
-                                      :initial-delay 100
-                                      :delay 0
-                                      :dispatcher (make-instance 'tiles-timer-events
-                                                                 :panel-dispatcher self)))))))
-    (setf (mouse-tile-of self) nil)))
+  (let* ((tiles (model-tiles))
+         (tile-pnt (window->tiles point))
+         (shape-pnts (shape-pnts-of self)))
+    (if (and (eql button :left-button)
+               shape-pnts
+               (find tile-pnt shape-pnts :test #'eql-point))
+      (progn
+        (loop for pnt in shape-pnts do (set-tile tiles pnt 0))
+        (collapse-tiles tiles)
+        (update-buffer (gfw:dispatcher panel) tiles)
+        (gfw:redraw panel))
+      (if shape-pnts
+        (draw-tiles-directly panel shape-pnts (shape-kind-of self)))))
+  (setf (shape-kind-of self) 0)
+  (setf (shape-pnts-of self) nil))
 (defmethod update-buffer ((self tiles-panel-events) tiles)
   (let ((gc (make-instance 'gfg:graphics-context :image (image-buffer-of self)))

Modified: trunk/src/demos/unblocked/tiles.lisp
--- trunk/src/demos/unblocked/tiles.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/demos/unblocked/tiles.lisp	Sat Apr  8 01:34:22 2006
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@
        (= (gfs:point-y pnt1) (gfs:point-y pnt2))))
 (defun obtain-tile (tiles pnt)
+  (if (null pnt)
+    (return-from obtain-tile 0))
   (let ((column (aref tiles (gfs:point-x pnt))))
     (aref column (gfs:point-y pnt))))
@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@
                          (neighbor-point tiles orig-pnt 0 1)
                          (neighbor-point tiles orig-pnt -1 0)
                          (neighbor-point tiles orig-pnt 1 0))
-        when (not (null pnt))
+        when pnt
         collect pnt))
 (defun shape-tiles (tiles tile-pnt results)

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-context.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-context.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/graphics-context.lisp	Sat Apr  8 01:34:22 2006
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@
     (cffi:with-foreign-object (bmp-ptr 'gfs::bitmap)
       (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::width gfs::height) bmp-ptr gfs::bitmap)
         (gfs::get-object himage (cffi:foreign-type-size 'gfs::bitmap) bmp-ptr)
-        (if (not (null (transparency-pixel-of im)))
+        (if (transparency-pixel-of im)
             (setf tr-mask (transparency-mask im))
             (let ((hmask (gfs:handle tr-mask))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/image-data.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/image-data.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/graphics/image-data.lisp	Sat Apr  8 01:34:22 2006
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
                  (error 'gfs:toolkit-error :detail "pathname or string required"))))
   (let ((handle (gfs:handle data)))
-    (when (and (not (null handle)) (not (cffi:null-pointer-p handle)))
+    (when (and handle (not (cffi:null-pointer-p handle)))
       (destroy-image handle)
       (setf (slot-value data 'gfs:handle) nil)
       (setf handle nil))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/menu-language.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/menu-language.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/menu-language.lisp	Sat Apr  8 01:34:22 2006
@@ -102,18 +102,18 @@
         (sub-tmp nil))
     (loop for opt in form
           do (cond
-               ((not (null cb-tmp))
+               (cb-tmp
                   (setf callback opt)
                   (setf cb-tmp nil)
                   (setf disp nil))
-               ((not (null disp-tmp))
+               (disp-tmp
                   (setf disp opt)
                   (setf disp-tmp nil)
                   (setf callback nil))
-                 ((not (null image-tmp))
+               (image-tmp
                   (setf image opt)
                   (setf image-tmp nil))
-               ((not (null sub-tmp))
+               (sub-tmp
                   (setf sub opt)
                   (setf sub-tmp nil))
                ((and (not (eq opt :item)) (null label))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/top-level.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/top-level.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/top-level.lisp	Sat Apr  8 01:34:22 2006
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
     (setf style (list style)))
   (let ((classname +toplevel-noerasebkgnd-window-classname+)
         (register-func #'register-toplevel-noerasebkgnd-window-class))
-    (when (not (null (find :workspace style)))
+    (when (find :workspace style)
       (setf classname +toplevel-erasebkgnd-window-classname+)
       (setf register-func #'register-toplevel-erasebkgnd-window-class))
     (init-window win classname register-func style owner title)))

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