[graphic-forms-cvs] r95 - in trunk: docs/manual src src/demos/unblocked src/uitoolkit/system src/uitoolkit/widgets

junrue at common-lisp.net junrue at common-lisp.net
Thu Apr 13 19:14:14 UTC 2006

Author: junrue
Date: Thu Apr 13 15:14:13 2006
New Revision: 95

implemented maximum-size and minimum-size slots for top-level windows so apps can constrain resizing by the user

Modified: trunk/docs/manual/api.texinfo
--- trunk/docs/manual/api.texinfo	(original)
+++ trunk/docs/manual/api.texinfo	Thu Apr 13 15:14:13 2006
@@ -301,7 +301,15 @@
 @deftp Class top-level
 Base class for @ref{window}s that are self-contained and parented to
 the @ref{root-window}. Except for the @code{:palette} style, they are
-normally resizable have title bars (also called 'captions').
+normally resizable and have title bars (also called 'captions').
+ at deffn Initarg :maximum-size
+Sets the maximum @ref{size} to which the user may adjust the
+boundaries of the window.
+ at end deffn
+ at deffn Initarg :minimum-size
+Sets the minimum @ref{size} to which the user may adjust the
+boundaries of the window.
+ at end deffn
 @deffn Initarg :style
 The :style initarg is a list of keywords that define the overall
 look-and-feel of the window being created. Applications may choose
@@ -553,14 +561,35 @@
 @end deffn
 @deffn GenericFunction location self
-Returns a point object describing the coordinates of the top-left
-corner of the object in its parent's coordinate system. @xref{parent}.
+Returns a @ref{point} object describing the coordinates of the
+top-left corner of the object in its parent's coordinate
+system. @xref{parent}.
+ at end deffn
+ at anchor{maximum-size}
+ at deffn GenericFunction maximum-size self
+Returns a @ref{size} object describing the largest dimensions to which
+the user may resize this widget; by default returns @code{nil},
+indicating that there is effectively no constraint. The corresponding
+ at code{setf} function sets this value; if the new maximum size is
+smaller than the current size, the widget is resized to the new
+maximum. @xref{minimum-size}.
 @end deffn
 @deffn GenericFunction menu-bar self
 Returns the menu object serving as the menubar for this object.
 @end deffn
+ at anchor{minimum-size}
+ at deffn GenericFunction minimum-size self
+Returns a @ref{size} object describing the smallest dimensions to
+which the user may resize this widget; by default returns @code{nil},
+indicating that the minimum constraint is determined by the windowing
+system's configuration. The corresponding @code{setf} function sets
+this value; if the new minimum size is larger than the current size,
+the widget is resized to the new minimum. @xref{maximum-size}.
+ at end deffn
 @deffn GenericFunction object-to-display self pnt
 Return a point that is the result of transforming the specified point
 from this object's coordinate system to display-relative coordinates.
@@ -625,6 +654,7 @@
 @end quotation
 @end deffn
+ at anchor{preferred-size}
 @deffn GenericFunction preferred-size self width-hint height-hint
 Implement this function to return @code{self}'s preferred @ref{size};
 that is, the dimensions that @code{self} computes as being the best

Modified: trunk/src/demos/unblocked/unblocked-window.lisp
--- trunk/src/demos/unblocked/unblocked-window.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/demos/unblocked/unblocked-window.lisp	Thu Apr 13 15:14:13 2006
@@ -108,7 +108,9 @@
                                        :dispatcher (make-instance 'tiles-panel-events
                                                                   :buffer-size tile-buffer-size)))
     (setf (gfw:text *unblocked-win*) "Graphic-Forms UnBlocked")
-    (gfw:pack *unblocked-win*)
+    (let ((size (gfw:preferred-size *unblocked-win* -1 -1)))
+      (setf (gfw:minimum-size *unblocked-win*) size)
+      (setf (gfw:maximum-size *unblocked-win*) size))
     (gfw:show *unblocked-win* t)))
 (defun unblocked ()

Modified: trunk/src/packages.lisp
--- trunk/src/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/packages.lisp	Thu Apr 13 15:14:13 2006
@@ -232,9 +232,6 @@
 ;; constants
-    #:maximized      ;; FIXME: should be a keyword
-    #:minimized      ;; FIXME: should be a keyword
-    #:restored       ;; FIXME: should be a keyword

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-constants.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-constants.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-constants.lisp	Thu Apr 13 15:14:13 2006
@@ -661,6 +661,7 @@
 (defconstant +wm-activate+                 #x0006)
 (defconstant +wm-paint+                    #x000F)
 (defconstant +wm-close+                    #x0010)
+(defconstant +wm-getminmaxinfo+            #x0024)
 (defconstant +wm-setfont+                  #x0030)
 (defconstant +wm-getfont+                  #x0031)
 (defconstant +wm-ncmousemove+              #x00A0)

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-types.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-types.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/system/system-types.lisp	Thu Apr 13 15:14:13 2006
@@ -169,6 +169,13 @@
   (x LONG)
   (y LONG))
+(defcstruct minmaxinfo
+  (reserved point)
+  (maxsize point)
+  (maxposition point)
+  (mintracksize point)
+  (maxtracksize point))
 (defcstruct msg
   (hwnd HANDLE)
   (message UINT)

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/event.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/event.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/event.lisp	Thu Apr 13 15:14:13 2006
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
                                                    :y gfs::rcpaint-y))
           (setf (gfs:size rct) (gfs:make-size :width  gfs::rcpaint-width
                                               :height gfs::rcpaint-height))
-          (let* ((gc (make-instance 'gfg:graphics-context :handle (gfs::begin-paint hwnd ps-ptr))))
+          (let ((gc (make-instance 'gfg:graphics-context :handle (gfs::begin-paint hwnd ps-ptr))))
                 (event-paint (dispatcher widget) widget (event-time tc) gc rct)
               (gfs:dispose gc)
@@ -318,14 +318,42 @@
   (declare (ignore wparam))
   (process-mouse-message #'event-mouse-up hwnd lparam :right-button))
+(defmethod process-message (hwnd (msg (eql gfs::+wm-getminmaxinfo+)) wparam lparam)
+  (declare (ignore wparam))
+  (let* ((tc (thread-context))
+         (w (get-widget tc hwnd))
+         (info-ptr (cffi:make-pointer lparam)))
+    (if (typep w 'top-level)
+      (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::mintracksize gfs::maxtracksize)
+                                info-ptr gfs::minmaxinfo)
+        (let ((max-size (maximum-size w))
+              (min-size (minimum-size w)))
+          (if max-size
+            (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::x gfs::y)
+                                      (cffi:foreign-slot-pointer info-ptr
+                                                                 'gfs::minmaxinfo
+                                                                 'gfs::maxtracksize)
+                                      gfs::point)
+              (setf gfs::x (gfs:size-width max-size)
+                    gfs::y (gfs:size-height max-size))))
+          (if min-size
+            (cffi:with-foreign-slots ((gfs::x gfs::y)
+                                      (cffi:foreign-slot-pointer info-ptr
+                                                                 'gfs::minmaxinfo
+                                                                 'gfs::mintracksize)
+                                      gfs::point)
+              (setf gfs::x (gfs:size-width min-size)
+                    gfs::y (gfs:size-height min-size))))))))
+  0)
 (defmethod process-message (hwnd (msg (eql gfs::+wm-size+)) wparam lparam)
   (declare (ignore lparam))
   (let* ((tc (thread-context))
          (w (get-widget tc hwnd))
          (type (cond
-                 ((= wparam gfs::+size-maximized+) 'maximized)
-                 ((= wparam gfs::+size-minimized+) 'minimized)
-                 ((= wparam gfs::+size-restored+) 'restored)
+                 ((= wparam gfs::+size-maximized+) :maximized)
+                 ((= wparam gfs::+size-minimized+) :minimized)
+                 ((= wparam gfs::+size-restored+) :restored)
                  (t nil))))
     (when w
       (outer-size w (size-event-size tc))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/top-level.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/top-level.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/top-level.lisp	Thu Apr 13 15:14:13 2006
@@ -54,6 +54,11 @@
+(defun constrain-new-size (new-size current-size compare-fn)
+  (let ((new-width (funcall compare-fn (gfs:size-width new-size) (gfs:size-width current-size)))
+        (new-height (funcall compare-fn (gfs:size-height new-size) (gfs:size-height current-size))))
+    (gfs:make-size :width new-width :height new-height)))
 ;;; methods
@@ -73,8 +78,6 @@
                   (setf std-flags (logior std-flags gfs::+ws-maximizebox+)))
                 ((eq sym :min)
                   (setf std-flags (logior std-flags gfs::+ws-minimizebox+)))
-                ((eq sym :resize)
-                  (setf std-flags (logior std-flags gfs::+ws-thickframe+)))
                 ((eq sym :sysmenu)
                   (setf std-flags (logior std-flags gfs::+ws-sysmenu+)))
                 ((eq sym :title)
@@ -152,6 +155,12 @@
         (error 'gfs:toolkit-error :detail "no object for menu handle"))
+(defmethod (setf maximum-size) :after (max-size (win top-level))
+  (unless (gfs:disposed-p win)
+    (let ((size (constrain-new-size max-size (size win) #'min)))
+      (setf (size win) size)
+      (perform-layout win (gfs:size-width size) (gfs:size-height size)))))
 (defmethod (setf menu-bar) :before ((m menu) (win top-level))
   (declare (ignore m))
   (if (gfs:disposed-p win)
@@ -168,6 +177,12 @@
     (gfs::set-menu hwnd (gfs:handle m))
     (gfs::draw-menu-bar hwnd)))
+(defmethod (setf minimum-size) :after (min-size (win top-level))
+  (unless (gfs:disposed-p win)
+    (let ((size (constrain-new-size min-size (size win) #'max)))
+      (setf (size win) size)
+      (perform-layout win (gfs:size-width size) (gfs:size-height size)))))
 (defmethod text :before ((win top-level))
   (if (gfs:disposed-p win)
     (error 'gfs:disposed-error)))

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-classes.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-classes.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-classes.lisp	Thu Apr 13 15:14:13 2006
@@ -100,7 +100,15 @@
 (defclass root-window (window) ()
   (:documentation "This class encapsulates the root of the desktop window hierarchy."))
-(defclass top-level (window) ()
+(defclass top-level (window)
+  ((maximum-size
+    :accessor maximum-size
+    :initarg :maximum-size
+    :initform nil)
+   (minimum-size
+    :accessor minimum-size
+    :initarg :minimum-size
+    :initform nil))
   (:documentation "Base class for windows that can be moved and resized by the user, and which normally have title bars."))
 (defclass timer (event-source)

Modified: trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-generics.lisp
--- trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-generics.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/uitoolkit/widgets/widget-generics.lisp	Thu Apr 13 15:14:13 2006
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
   (:documentation "Returns T if the object is in its maximized state (not necessarily the same as the maximum size); nil otherwise."))
 (defgeneric maximum-size (self)
-  (:documentation "Returns a size object describing the largest size this object can exist."))
+  (:documentation "Returns a size object describing the largest dimensions to which the user may resize the widget."))
 (defgeneric menu-bar (self)
   (:documentation "Returns the menu object serving as the menubar for this object."))

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