[elephant-devel] BDB stores don't work on my 32-bit Debian box either

Leslie P. Polzer sky at viridian-project.de
Sun Nov 15 09:24:40 UTC 2009

Sebastian Tennant wrote:

>> [Luís is] one of the primary [CFFI] developers I think. But that doesn't mean
>> that he's able [...] to do this work.
> If he isn't able to do it, then who is?

Well, with "able" I mostly meant "has the time, motivation and energy".

>> Why wouldn't one person be enough, provided they understand the matter well
>> enough?
> Does such a person exist?

I think there are a few candidates that could fix either Elephant or CFFI-UFFI
(given enough time) and a whole host (including you) that could provide clbuild
patches or a custom Elephant install script.

> It seems this is no longer necessary now that Ian's on the case.

Ian's a busy man though so please consider helping him out nevertheless.

> I still intend to provide some patches for doc/Makefile and doc/elephant.texinfo.

Thank you! And

> Many thanks for all your help.

you're welcome, too.



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