[elephant-devel] unstable postmodern troubled..

Alex Mizrahi killerstorm at newmail.ru
Sun Jun 1 19:48:20 UTC 2008

i can't say i'm completely stuck with it,
but i'm getting pretty weird errors -- it's
different if i run it first time or second time
(on second time there are more errors), and, if i run
whole test suite i get:

      Unexpected Error: #<SIMPLE-ERROR {C350169}>
There is no applicable method for the generic function
when called with arguments

but when i run test individually, it works:

 Did 1 check.
    Pass: 1 (100%)
    Skip: 0 ( 0%)
    Fail: 0 ( 0%)


so i thought maybe i'll post half-backed patches and someone
could help debugging it -- with such weird bugs more eyeballs
is always better.

also, few questions to Ian:

 * cursor-delete on dup-btree -- should it delete only current
pair or all pairs on some key?
 * why dup-btree has persistent-metaclass? (and so do some other btree 
   if it don't use persistent-metaclass, drop-pobject fails for
  dup-btree, but other than that i can't see any reasons..
 why should dup-btree be different from normal btree?
 this might introduce some bloat, so if drop-pobject is the only
 reason, it might be easier to just add method specialization

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