[elephant-devel] Design Suggestion Request

Robert L. Read read at robertlread.net
Thu Jul 27 18:47:42 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-07-27 at 14:23 -0400, Daniel Salama wrote:

> Not having looked at DCM yet, is it possible to just use the
> "persistence machinery" and DCM in a more seamless fashion? For
> example, if I declare a persistent CLOS class, can I hook that up to
> DCM and get the benefits of DCM and persistence at the same time? From
> Ian's last statement, this doesn't seem possible yet, but I may be
> wrong.

No, that isn't possible.

It is possible to design a CLOS structure first (without the concern of
persistence), and then with a very 
small amount of work, use direct persistence and slot-based indexing and
functional indexes if necessary 
to make everything persistent.   It would then be reasonable to "switch-
over" to a DCM based system
by making those classes inherit from "managed-object" instead.  It would
not take too much work...
maybe a few hours...to move back and forth between the two ideas.  But
they cannot be simultaneously
employed in any useful way.

Actually one of the great things about Elephant is that it allows you to
change, or delay, these kind
of implementation decisions as much as possible---for example, which
technology you use as the 
back-end database.

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