[Ecls-list] Cross-compilation status update

Eugene Zaikonnikov e.zaikonnikov at sam-solutions.net
Tue Sep 16 05:53:07 UTC 2003


* "Juan" == Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll <worm at arrakis.es> writes:

Juan>  Are you using the old garbage collector?

No, I've been using Boehm. The problem is, when I configure with the
option of --disable-boehm, build process breaks at compilation of
src/c/alloc.d. It looks like there's a problem with expanding the
lispy @-macros. The error log is attached.

Juan>  Also, if the compiler is linked in, it will try to locate a
Juan>  file (${libdir}/ecl/sysfun.lsp). If your machine cannot reach
Juan>  the files ECL needs, try removing the compiler from the code by
Juan>  commenting out the :lisp-files line in build/compile.lsp:
Juan>  (compiler::build-program #+(or cross stage1) "ecl" #-(or cross
Juan>  stage1) "ecl2" ;; :lisp-files '(#+(and (not dlopen) WANTS-CMP)
Juan>  cmp) :ld-flags '("-L./"))

I've done that, but somehow it doesn't affects the size of generated
executable. Maybe it wasn't linking in the compiler before that.. I'll
tinker further here.

Juan>  Are there no remote debugging possibilities in this machine?

I sit behind a firewall with conservative policy, and am not sure that
outside ssh access can be gained into the network. I could try pushing
our admins though if I'll get stuck for good, but I don't hold my
breath on that.

Besides, the device lacks any development/debugging tools other than


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