[cmucl-imp] ASDF 2.016 released

Faré fahree at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 21:51:51 UTC 2011

>> On top of it, I'm trying to get XCVB to work with ECL,
>> then start trying to encourage people to use XCVB instead of ASDF.
> Something that I've meant to try out, but asdf (and mk:defsys) is more
> than adequate so far for what I've wanted to do.
> But if I create a self-contained unicode executable, and you try to get
> XCVB working with cmucl, I can help you.
Yes, I'm making a push to have XCVB be more usable for more people.
Ideally, it would be suitable for CL implementations themselves
to be compiled from their cross-compiler and/or kernel.
But we're not there yet.

> Oh.  One more thing.  The only external format built in to cmucl is
> iso8859-1.  All the other formats are in files that are loaded (and
> compiled) on demand.   Would you want all of the external formats
> preloaded too?  I can imagine just having utf-8 and the composing
> formats to handle unix, dos, and mac end-of-line would satisfy 99 and
> 44/100 % of the people out there.
Even I, these days, have adopted utf-8 as my default and forsaken iso8859-1.
Yes, I think those two should cover most everyone's needs.

—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org
All programmers are playwrights and all computers are lousy actors.

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