[cl-sockets-devel] wsdl parsing

Christophe Rhodes csr21 at cantab.net
Mon Oct 29 18:08:57 UTC 2007

Utz-Uwe Haus <haus+cl-soap at mail.math.uni-magdeburg.de> writes:

> Hi everybody,
> On Wed, Oct 24, 2007 at 11:07:39AM +0100, Christophe Rhodes wrote:
>> I have a SOAP server, built using gsoap, which automatically generates
>> the attached .wsdl file; and I can successfully use cl-soap to call it
>> by hand as follows:
> [dd]
>>     <adb:status xmlns:adb="http://tempuri.org/adb.xsd">
> vs.
>>     <status>
> seems the culprit. I guess that is due to the basically nonexistant
> support of mixing namespaces in cl-soap. I had started to fix this in
> the beginning of this year, but since that was supposed to be sugar on top
> of another project which has been delayed in its main part, this is not
> finished. If you care, please look at my patched version at
>  <http://code.google.com/p/cl-soap-uuh/>
> If that helps you any, please let me know, since it may convince me to 
> clean things up to get things merged.

I'm afraid it doesn't seem to help me.

Firstly, I had to alter a couple of things in your patch to s-xml to
get it to compile: 

* in FIND-NAMESPACE-MAP, I removed the declaration, as
  FIND-NAMESPACE-MAP is elsewhere being called with a non-string
  argument (:SCHEMA1999 is the first one, I believe, from
  INITIALIZE-SOAP-ENVIRONMENT in cl-soap-uhh/src/namespaces.lisp;

* in DEDUCE-NAMESPACE-FROM-NAMESPACE-ENTRY, I changed "(gensym key)"
  to (gensym (string key)).

With these two changes, your branch compiles and loads cleanly (well,
apart from constant redefinition warnings) into sbcl.  However, it
doesn't work:

* The previously-working hand-built call to soap-call:

(let ((ns "http://tempuri.org/adb.xsd"))
  (s-xml:register-namespace ns "adb" :adb)
  (let ((xmethods (make-soap-end-point "http://gibbons.doc.gold.ac.uk:20703")))
    (soap-call xmethods nil `((adb::|status| :|xmlns:adb| ,ns) (:|dbName| "/tmp/foodb")))))

gives an infinite recursion; a section of the backtrace is

      #<unavailable argument>)
      #<unavailable argument>)

* trying to call the service automatically from the wsdl,

(wsdl-soap-call "http://omras2.doc.gold.ac.uk/adb.wsdl" "status" :input `("status" ("dbName" "/tmp/foodb")))

gives a type error in BIND-XSD-TEMPLATE:

  The value (LAMBDA () :STRING) is not of type (OR FUNCTION SYMBOL).

and the backtrace there is

      (? "http://tempuri.org/adb.xsd" "dbName" (LAMBDA () :STRING))
      ("dbName" "/tmp/foodb")
      (#<XML-SCHEMA-DEFINITION target http://tempuri.org/adb.xsd, 6 elements {10041F8181}>)
      #<S-XML::XML-NAMESPACE tns - http://gibbons.doc.gold.ac.uk:20703//Service.wsdl {100254A6C1}>)
      ((? "http://tempuri.org/adb.xsd" "dbName" (LAMBDA # :STRING)))
      ("dbName" "/tmp/foodb")
      (#<XML-SCHEMA-DEFINITION target http://tempuri.org/adb.xsd, 6 elements {10041F8181}>)
      #<S-XML::XML-NAMESPACE tns - http://gibbons.doc.gold.ac.uk:20703//Service.wsdl {100254A6C1}>)
      (1 "http://tempuri.org/adb.xsd" "status" #<CLOSURE # {1002BC9929}>)
      ("status" ("dbName" "/tmp/foodb"))
      (#<XML-SCHEMA-DEFINITION target http://tempuri.org/adb.xsd, 6 elements {10041F8181}>)
      #<S-XML::XML-NAMESPACE tns - http://gibbons.doc.gold.ac.uk:20703//Service.wsdl {100254A6C1}>)
      ("status" ("dbName" "/tmp/foodb"))
      (#<XML-SCHEMA-DEFINITION target http://tempuri.org/adb.xsd, 6 elements {10041F8181}>)
      #<S-XML::XML-NAMESPACE tns - http://gibbons.doc.gold.ac.uk:20703//Service.wsdl {100254A6C1}>)
      #<WSDL-MESSAGE "status" {1002BBAF31}>
      ("status" ("dbName" "/tmp/foodb"))
      #<WSDL-DOCUMENT-DEFINITIONS "Service" {10041F8111}>)
      #<WSDL-DOCUMENT-DEFINITIONS "Service" {10041F8111}>
      #<SOAP-END-POINT {1002BC18F1}>
      #<WSDL-MESSAGE "status" {1002BBAF31}>
      #<WSDL-MESSAGE "statusResponse" {1002BBAFF1}>
      #<WSDL-SOAP-BODY {1002BBF2E1}>
      #<WSDL-SOAP-BODY {1002BBFDC1}>
      NIL ..)



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