[cl-graph-devel] copying a graph

Gary King gwking at metabang.com
Tue Mar 21 19:49:03 UTC 2006

Hi Alexis,

The short answer is yes but... The code that I have that did that was  
part of a slightly larger beast that I haven't ported / released yet.  
I'll look into how much time that would take tonight and get back to  
you. I'll also provide a better answer to your other questions.

P.S., what is the error you get trying to build CMUCL on Debian?


On Mar 21, 2006, at 12:57 PM, Alexis Gallagher wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a way to make a (deep) copy of a graph? I've looked in the
> library and I can't find anything like copy-graph, copy-edge, or
> copy-vertex.
> I'm wondering about this, because I discovered I couldn't build a
> transformed version of a graph just by creating a new graph object and
> then adding edges from the old one. But if I can't do that, then  
> what is
> the best way to write functions that transform a graph  
> nondestructively?
> If I wanted to write such a function, is there anything I should know
> about which information needs to be preserved so that the duplicate
> object functions correctly with the other tools in the system?
> Cheers,
> alexis
> p.s. FYI, cl-graph adsf-installs fine on SBCL 0.9.7 on OS X. But I  
> still
> haven't got it working on CMUCL 19a / Debian stable. Has anyone else?
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Gary Warren King

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