[cl-debian] Re: darcs patch: document customizable images (and 6 more)

René van Bevern rvb at cadr.progn.org
Tue Jan 10 08:07:14 UTC 2006


First: the good things. :-)

I made the customizable images patch work with the bug in the current
fasl-cache-scheme, which means we can use it without changing the

Customizable-image support is halfway ready for ECL-alikes, it needs
some testing still but it will be ready within the next couple of

I'll send you the patches of the above two changes when everything is
ready -- independent from the home-vs-uid patch.

Second: the not-so-good [tm] things:

> The current system is like it is to support sites with a large number of 
> users. Think /home/p/pv/pv/pvaneynd. You system could pose problems at such 
> sites.

Hm, ok. I thought about such sites and came to the conclusion that CLC
does _not_ support such a splitted directory structure. I guess you
will hate me by now. ;-)

The Lisp side supports it fine, but look at
unregister-common-lisp-{implementation,source}. These clearly disallow
multiple nesting levels for "user" in /var/cache/common-lisp-controller/"user"/...:

from unregister-source: rm -rf /var/cache/common-lisp-controller/*/*/"$1"
from unregister-impl: rm -rf /var/cache/common-lisp-controller/*/"$1"

The nesting level in this directory is not predictable for these

Ok, the unusual cases: There is a user whose home directory is
/home/s/sbcl (or another impl): unregister-impl will delete his whole
cache.  There is a lisp-source that is called sbcl (or another impl):
unregister-source will delete the whole cache for sbcl.

The more usual case: these scripts will fail and leave the cache and
stale FASLs behind, not removing/purging packages cleanly and causing
trouble on implementation upgrades

I don't know which one is worse, but it's a bug. ;-)

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