UCW for Debian (was Re: [cl-debian] Re: sbcl_0.8.20.5-2_i386.changes ACCEPTED)

rm at fabula.de rm at fabula.de
Thu Mar 31 10:01:40 UTC 2005

On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 10:44:25AM +0200, Peter Van Eynde wrote:
> Luca Capello wrote:
> >5) rfc2388 (http://common-lisp.net/project/rfc2388/), but I cannot
> >   find any way to download a release to be debianized :-(
> http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/?cvsroot=rfc2388
> has a 'download tarball' :-)
> >6) SLIME, which should enter Debian soon, even if I haven't heard news
> >   about it for a while.
> Nor have I.
> >7) portableaserve, already present in Debian (maintained by Peter);
> >   instead of this, one could use AllegroServe, which hasn't been
> >   packaged for Debian yet.
> Why? AllegroServe is only for acl. Please note that the acl and lw 
> installers and openmcl are still orphaned: 
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?which=submitter&data=kmr%40debian.org&archive=no

Ah, you didn't grab OpenMCL? Darn, i thought i could flood your inbox
with bugreports and patches ;-/
I have 0.14.3 (latest release and bleeding CVS) debianized - but there
are some serious bugs in the installation routine (basically the installation
of the common lisp controller picks the wrong core file and the core
of the created image uses the old version of OpenMCL). I'm working on
a better install/setup - where would i send my patches?

> >Specifically to the first 2 libraries (and even for the future UCW),
> >Marco agreed to make them Debian native packages. I imported them into
> >my arch repository and I'm ready to publish it, but I've a question
> >regarding the debian/changelog: ATM, it contains an entry (when I
> >debianized the package), but if someone download today's arch and
> >create a Debian package from it, the version will be the same as my
> >first debianized package. I don't know if tla-buildpackage takes care
> >of this or not and so I don't know how should I update the
> >debian/changelog.
> As far as I know if you do a 'apt-get source sbcl' you also build the exact 
> same version as the one in the repository. I do not think there is an easy 
> way to prevent people from building a package with an old version number 
> and newer sources. 

Hmm, the version number of the package is extracted from the changelog, isn't it?

> In the new sbcl package I use a script to create a new 
> version based on the version string of the sources themselves, but even 
> that is not in the main debian/rules file so will not get executed 
> automaticly.

Hmm, what exactly does the script do? Read the upstream version and create
a new changelog entry?

Greetings RalfD

> Groetjes, Peter
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