UCW for Debian (was Re: [cl-debian] Re: sbcl_0.8.20.5-2_i386.changes ACCEPTED)

Peter Van Eynde cl-debian at pvaneynd.mailworks.org
Thu Mar 31 18:10:01 UTC 2005

rm at fabula.de wrote:
> Ah, you didn't grab OpenMCL? Darn, i thought i could flood your inbox
> with bugreports and patches ;-/

If someone would offer me a nice Mac I could consider it :-).

> I have 0.14.3 (latest release and bleeding CVS) debianized - but there
> are some serious bugs in the installation routine (basically the installation
> of the common lisp controller picks the wrong core file and the core
> of the created image uses the old version of OpenMCL). I'm working on
> a better install/setup - where would i send my patches?

In theory the QA group, in practice: nominate yourself as maintainer and 
send me the files to sign and upload.

> Hmm, the version number of the package is extracted from the changelog, isn't it?


>>In the new sbcl package I use a script to create a new 
>>version based on the version string of the sources themselves, but even 
>>that is not in the main debian/rules file so will not get executed 
> Hmm, what exactly does the script do? Read the upstream version and create
> a new changelog entry?

Admire the horror:

VISUAL=nvi EDITOR=nvi dch --newversion "1:$(grep -v '^;' version.lisp-expr 
| sed 's/"//g')-1" --preserve

Groetjes, Peter

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