[cl-debian] Welcome to cl-debian

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Fri Mar 4 17:00:03 UTC 2005

"Peter Van Eynde" <cl-debian at pvaneynd.mailworks.org> writes:

> - slime: a long time coming but no progress?

there is talk on slime-devel about a 1.1 release towards the end of
march. getting a release out before april (seibel's book's release
date) would be a Very Good Thing(TM).

> - elephant: an object database for Common Lisp
> - CL-PREVALENCE is an implementation of Object Prevalence for
>   Common Lisp
> - UnCommon Web is a Common Lisp web application development framework.

i might be able to help with this :). I'd like to make UCW be a native
debian package (that would make it easy to put into fink right?).

> Any other ideas?

i thought araneida was already in debian, but packages.debian.org
didn't seem to find it.

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