[cells-devel] Where is each project?

Stu Glaser stuglaser at gmail.com
Wed Jun 11 20:59:20 UTC 2008

Ken, Peter, thanks for the info.

> That's how we keep the newbies out :-)

Newbie?  http://common-lisp.net/pipermail/cells-devel/2006-May/000467.html

>>  P.S. It would be real nice to have a canonical git repository for each
>>  on github or gitorious.
> I know CVS is quite old and people use darcs, git, svn, and mercurial
> these days, but what advantage is it exactly that we would get from
> migrating to git?

I find a distributed VCS much easier to do development on since I can
more easily branch locally (particularly when without internet).  My
preference is mercurial, but git's fine too.  Mostly I dislike CVS, as
it gives you little information on what the revisions actually are.


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