[cello-devel] scrolling in da house

Frank Goenninger frank_goenninger at t-online.de
Wed Mar 31 18:44:15 UTC 2004

Hi Kenny and all the other on the list!

On Mon, 2004-03-29 at 00:32, Kenny Tilton wrote:
> Frank Goenninger wrote:
> >Hi Kenny,
> >
> >does PortaCello3 include the porting bits of all the porters already? If
> >so I'd like to test that release to see if everything still works...
> >
> I was waiting to see if anyone wanted PC3. I will work in your stuff 
> before uploading. Thomas never sent his stuff, but perhaps that was just 
> the Cells bit? I really should get Cells out of Cello. Or maybe not. If 
> we split it off, then we get these support issues such as "Ah, you need 
> to update your Cells to v.9.7.3 to run Cello v7.4.2 and after". But if 
> we just let Cells be a part of the Cello project that goes away, yes? 
> When anyone grabs Cello they always get the appropriate Cells. This is 
> no problem for anyone who just wants Cells, right? The only problem 
> would be if a second big project used Cells--but then really that is no 
> harder for them just because Cells is a subtree (CVS-wise) of Cello than 
> if it were standalone.
> Possibly the problem arises at the mailing-list level. I don't know. We 
> can worry about this if/when we get more users.

Well, to put the problem to the point:

Cells as Cells-in-Cello is the same package as Cells as in

Anyone needing a specific feature of Cells-standalone that wasn't
implemented in Cells-in-Cello is in trouble then...

So: Either give Cells-in-Cello another package name or really cut it

I'd vote for having just one separate Cells package and maintain a
support matrix.

Feedback on this? Thx!

> >
> >And yes, I'm already biting into the keyboard driven by expectations and
> >hope to really see that scroller stuff !!! Keep going! 
> >
> <g> It's just a scroller, though I will try to make them pretty to drive 
> the mcClim guys nuts.
> >Currently I'm playing with cells to bring up my first real app with it.
> >I don't want to let Thomas alone with his araneida + cells + db app ;-)
> >
> I have been meaning to say that, since it has been quiet on the porting 
> front and you have the port you need done, conceivably you would like to 
> get on with building something. If so, feel free to ask how to do x-y-z. 
> Well, come to think of it, we need text input and menus before there is 
> much you can do. OK, more better widgets on the way. But if I get bored 
> I am stopping to add the OpenAL bindings. And I want to do that before 
> the next Lisp Music meeting anyway.
> cheers, kt

Yes, of course we need that "basic widget - ahem - library" ;-) 
But as you're the one coding at light speed in the Cello env ...

Besides all that I have to admit that the time I can spend on this
is very limited due to project delivery (no coding involved, just
Consultant stuff on process level - Supply Chain thingies...)

After Easter I have a whole week of vacation and that will be the 
time for that!

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