Pre-submission discussion: code walking

Michael Raskin 38a938c2 at
Thu Apr 25 18:31:17 UTC 2019

>Regarding the feedback, here are some notes I had when I've started
>writing a test suite before starting implementing cltl2 in ECL, maybe
>you'll find some of them useful. I plan to tackle this problem again
>after upcoming 16.2.0 release (with some refactor of the compiler
>interfces). I'll definetely look into the walkability document before
>doing so.

Hm, interesting.

Indeed, I should include at least optional support for declarations.

I have a suspicion that SBCL environments have been refactored in the
last couple of years (I vaguely remember getting some errors when trying
to refer to the environment value after the dynamic extent of the macro
function, but I cannot reproduce the problem with fresh SBCL).

Maybe in the process some of the bugs you describe in the tests have 
also been fixed.

>On that note: I try to implement some clarifications in ECL. What would
>be useful is to have all extensions which can't be implemented as a
>user library in a common package (i.e CDR vs CDR-USER). I think this is
>not covered in any CDR (and having a feature that CDR-X is implemented
>doesn't give me much if I don't know in which package should I seek the
>new symbol).

My plan for walkability is: compliance with CDR-NN requires having
a package with name CDR-NN that has all the symbols defined in CDR-NN.

My best-case plan includes codifying this approach, and making CDRs for
other things from the same point of view.

Thank you!

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