[Bese-devel] UCW AJAX Problem

Attila Lendvai attila.lendvai at gmail.com
Mon Jun 25 09:41:53 UTC 2007

> I am trying to use ucw_ajax with mod_lisp (SBCL 1.0.6 ASPLinux 11.2) When I use UCW's built-in web server the shared-counter example works somehow (sooner or later I receive "No workers available"), increasing of the counter leads to updating of values on all subscribed browsers. But when I trying same with mod_lisp, when increasing the counter server returns XML and Internet Explorer just show it as XML. I've found that built-in web server returned HTML and Internet Explorer rendered it OK. How to force same behaviour with mod_lisp backend ?

the shared counter example is excercising the most complex, and
therefore most fragile, part of ucw: the ajax polling of the clients.
that code is more like a proof of concept then a tested production
ready feature.

the "no more workers" error is most probably due to the request
processing threads falling asleep. they should set up a timeout and
test the socket on which the request came, and bail out when the
socket is closed (browser stop pressed/closed).

otherwise the rest of the examples should work, with or without mod_lisp.

i'm testing IE from time to time, but it's not my primary platform, so
it may be broken. but i think the currently checked in code should
worked for me with ie6.


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