[Bese-devel] Re: starting problems (cl-launch)

pjd tech pjdtech2000 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 17:03:21 UTC 2006

I have it working now. But I still had to do a couple of strange things.

- had to copy CL-Launch.sh to cl-launch
- had to copy swank*.lisp files into a cache folder under  ~/.sbcl/cache...

Likely a misconfiguration of /etc/ucw/*  files on my part.
I havnt figure it out yet.


On 4/5/06, pjd tech <pjdtech2000 at gmail.com> wrote:
>  Greetings,
> I having problems getting UCW_DEV going. (I had it working a while back
> when everything was in one tar ball). Now I am pulling the development
> versions from Darcs repositories as mentioned in the quickstart guide.
> Mainly I am not sure how CL-Launch thing is supposed to work. I untarred
> the cl-launch package and added the folder to my local PATH.
> But ucwctl couldnt even start with that.
> I renamed CL-Launch.sh as cl-launch.  Then UCW will mostly load (tail -f
> the dribble file). But finally breaks like this ,
>      (PROGN
>                                     #\!
>                                     #'(LAMBDA (STREAM CHAR SB-DEBUG:ARG)
>                                         (DECLARE (IGNORE CHAR
>                                         (VALUES (READ-LINE STREAM))))
>       (LOAD "/home/pjdurai/software/lispprogs/cl-launch/cl-launch"
>             :VERBOSE
>             NIL
>             :PRINT
>             NIL)
>                :INIT
>                "(load (pop cl-launch:*arguments*))"
>                :QUIT
>                NIL))
>      #<NULL-LEXENV>)
>       "(progn(set-dispatch-macro-character #\\# #\\! #'(lambda(stream char
> arg)(declare(ignore char arg))(values (read-line stream))))(load
> \"/home/pjdurai/software/lispprogs/cl-launch/cl-launch\" :verbose nil :print
> nil)
> (funcall(intern(string :run):cl-launch) :init \"(load (pop
> cl-launch:*arguments*))\" :quit nil))"))
> More info:
> slackware 10.2, sbcl 0.9.11 binary release, recent versions of pretty much
> every other dependency.
> I dont understand how cl-launch would work. Any help appreciated.
> Appreciate your time.
> thanks
> pj
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