[Bese-devel] Would it be very difficult to make both arnesi and yaclml asdf installable

Ignas Mikalajunas ignas.mikalajunas at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 12:28:22 UTC 2005

> >   I know that making UCW itself asdf installable would not make much
> > sense - UCW can't operate witohout a backend, but having at least
> > yaclml installable separately would be kind of nice for those who are
> > using (or at least trying to use) it without UCW.
> Maybe you suffered of the YACLML bug I reported here [1], which is now
> corrected [2].
> As of today, both YACLML and arnesi are installable without UCW (and,
> yes, both via ASDF). To be sure, I don't have UCW in my ASDF path.
> Thx, bye,
> Gismo / Luca
> [1] http://common-lisp.net/pipermail/bese-devel/2005-October/001142.html
> [2] http://common-lisp.net/pipermail/bese-devel/2005-October/001148.html

Well this bug was a kludge, but asdf-installable is a bit different
from "having an asdf definition".
You can find more info here:


I am really sorry for not asking the permission, yet since no one was
interested in packaging yaclml and arnesi, i did that myself (Thanks
to François-René Rideau  - Fare on irc.freenode.net for hosting
packages). So now you can (asdf-install:install 'yaclml) and that will
just pull everything from the net.

Hope no one minds.

   Ignas Mikalajūnas

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