[Bese-devel] Introduction and questions...

Jan Rychter jan at rychter.com
Wed Nov 9 10:07:27 UTC 2005

>>>>> "Adam" == Adam Jones <ajones1 at gmail.com> writes:
 Adam> Hi all, I'm kind of new to the list, the programming language,
 Adam> and at least half of the concepts involved here, so if any of
 Adam> what follows is either dumb or simply does not make sense please
 Adam> go easy on the newbie.

 Adam> This project looks really interesting, and I was wondering aside
 Adam> from the documentation available from the website are there any
 Adam> more tutorials available? Are there any other projects going on
 Adam> that use UCW that mights be interesting? If I decide to take tons
 Adam> of notes while working on learning this and want to turn them
 Adam> into some reference documentation who should I burden that with?

This is something which will be very, very useful. The biggest problem
I found when learning UCW was lack of clear examples with The Suggested
Way of Doing Things. The current examples are rather of the "show all
the fancy possible ways of doing things" type.

 Adam> Specifically I was wondering what kind of support there is for
 Adam> integrated javascript type stuff. Maybe I am not really
 Adam> understanding what I am looking at here but extending the user
 Adam> interface with javascript seems like a pretty natural concept for
 Adam> ucw. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help out. At
 Adam> this point I would probably only be able to pester people into
 Adam> writing down/handing me documentation for stuff, but I am willing
 Adam> to take that up if it is needed.

This is a fairly undeveloped area of UCW and one with great
potential. Parenscript could work really well together with UCW.


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