System cleanup

Didier Verna didier at
Fri Mar 19 13:34:00 UTC 2021

François-René ÐVB Rideau écrivait:

> Before it can be ignored, it must be defined. And so as to define it,
> its class must be defined. I suppose we could have some error class
> that it used when the class it not defined, that would only trigger an
> error at runtime if the feature is true. I'm sure the current / next
> sucker^W maintainer will accept patches.

  Not a big deal. I just thought that since everything in that form are
  keywords (so no read-time problem, as opposed to parsing
  sb-grovel:grovel-constants-file), perhaps the intended behavior was

  So in the end, it seems that there's very little (if at all) to be
  gained by using :if-feature to conditionalize on implementation type.

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