read-depend branch is ready for another review...

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at
Sun Jul 16 18:10:57 UTC 2017

On 7/14/17 Jul 14 -11:20 AM, Robert Goldman wrote:
> On 7/14/17 Jul 14 -11:17 AM, Faré wrote:
>> 1- At the end of find-system, the methods on additional-input-files
>> should go now that you use the convenience methods, shouldn't they?
>> 2- now that you invalidate the cache for input-files, shouldn't you
>> put the append *inside* the with-asdf-cache? Or would that fail?
> I'll get on those.
> 1. what's in FIND-SYSTEM is accessors to %ADDITIONAL-INPUT-FILES, not
> ADDITIONAL-INPUT-FILES and the former has setters as well as getters, so
> I wasn't sure I could use ADDITIONAL-INPUT-FILES.  I'll check.

Checked and confirmed this -- %ADDITIONAL-INPUT-FILES takes only a
COMPONENT as argument, so it can't use the convenience methods macro.

> 2.  I'll fix this, thanks.

I don't fully understand.  I'm looking, and the APPEND call is in the

  ;; Memoize input files.
  (defmethod input-files :around (operation component)
    (do-asdf-cache `(input-files ,operation ,component)
      ;; get the additional input files, if any
      (append (call-next-method)
              ;; must come after the first, for other code that
              ;; assumes the first will be the "key" file
              (additional-input-files operation component))))

If that's all, I can merge this into the plan branch, and then we should
fix the ABCL issues.


> I'm going to push the first 2 commits into plan, since that's where they
> belong, also.
> More soon
> R
>> —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
>> If you wish to examine a granfalloon, just remove the skin of a toy
>> balloon. — Bokonon
>> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 10:09 AM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman at> wrote:
>>> Tests now passing on all implementations, and there's been substantial
>>> clean-up.
>>> Likely the first two commits on this branch should be merged with the
>>> plan branch directly, since they don't have anything to do with read
>>> dependencies per se.  Then we could move on to reviewing (and then
>>> squash-merging) read-depends.
>>> Cheers,
>>> r

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