How would I get a list of Common Lisp source files from a system

Christian Schafmeister chris.schaf at
Tue Mar 17 14:06:54 UTC 2015

Thanks Fare,

I’m integrating a new Common Lisp compiler front end into Clasp from Robert Strandh’s (beach) SICL project called Cleavir.  Once I have it integrated I’ll have a performant Common Lisp implementation that can compile and run everything fast, including ASDF.

Currently I only have my bootstrapping compiler - which generates relatively slow code (>100x slower than SBCL).

I need to integrate Cleavir into my build system. My build system is just a long list of files that need to be COMPILE-FILEd and then linked together into a monolithic image.

Robert uses ASDF systems in his code and I’ve been using them to load and compile Cleavir as a collection of add-on systems to Clasp while I’ve been integrating Cleavir.

Clasp bootstraps with an interpreter (very slow) which compiles a bootstrapping compiler (faster but still slow).  I will 

On Mar 16, 2015, at 11:43 PM, Faré <fahree at> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 10:34 PM, Christian Schafmeister
> <chris.schaf at> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I’d like to get an ordered list of source files for a system that I would normally load with (asdf:load-system :cleavir)
>> I need this because I’d like to compile the Cleavir source code (many interdependent systems) without having to compile and load ASDF.
>> Then I could compile ASDF a lot faster and users would load it.
> If you know they are all lisp files, you can try this recipe, copied
> from the asdf/
>  (mapcar 'asdf:component-pathname
>      (asdf::required-components :cleavir :keep-component 'asdf:cl-source-file))
> I don't understand how that helps you compile ASDF faster, but here you go.
> —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
> Evolution competitively selects stable cooperative patterns.

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