[asdf-devel] Test status for ASDF

Faré fahree at gmail.com
Mon Sep 30 16:39:51 UTC 2013

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:51 AM, Robert P. Goldman <rpgoldman at sift.info> wrote:
> Running on 64-bit Mac:
> lispworks fails test-module-pathnames (sometimes)
> On 64-bit Linux:
> ccl sbcl cmucl allegro allegromodern lispworks all pass.
> But I have seen test-module-pathnames fail here on lispworks -- there
> seems to be an odd interaction between the test and make that is causing
> this to go wrong.  Haven't had time to track down this intermittent failure.
I requested a new LispWorks license to run tests, we'll see if I get it granted.
I won't speculate on what could otherwise be causing the problem.

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