[asdf-devel] Test status for ASDF

Robert P. Goldman rpgoldman at sift.info
Mon Sep 30 14:51:38 UTC 2013

Running on 64-bit Mac:

lispworks fails test-module-pathnames (sometimes)
clisp all pass
sbcl all pass
ecl test-bundle fails.  I think this is an ECL bug, or a bug in the
MacPorts packaging.
cmucl all pass
abcl test-bundle fails.  This is a different problem from the ECL bug.
It's https://bugs.launchpad.net/asdf/+bug/1207073

On 64-bit Linux:
ccl sbcl cmucl allegro allegromodern lispworks all pass.

But I have seen test-module-pathnames fail here on lispworks -- there
seems to be an odd interaction between the test and make that is causing
this to go wrong.  Haven't had time to track down this intermittent failure.

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