patch for allegro8 (was: Re: [asdf-devel] Ready to release?)

Dave Cooper david.cooper at
Fri Oct 18 03:39:54 UTC 2013

Here is a patch to add the allegro 8-bit character executables to the test
cases in

Also here is an updated version of my little "run" script (which is to be
used in the parent of the asdf/ directory) which now automatically sets the
executables based on the running OS.

I'm still having intermittent failures of test-encodings.script on
mlisp8.exe, and test-stamp-propogation.script on alisp8.exe. These may be
spurious failures because when I run them with a clean build/ directory,
they seem to pass. If I can get them to fail reliably I will report it
otherwise I don't want to hold up the release because of this.

Best Regards


Let's go Tigers!

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 4:59 PM, Dave Cooper <david.cooper at>wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 4:41 PM, Faré <fahree at> wrote:
>> Do you have a transcript for the remaining failure with test-encodings
>> on mlisp8 or such?
> I don't. I re-ran the tests a few times and could not reproduce the
> failure. I'll run everything from the top with a fresh build/ directory a
> bit later, with your test-utilities.script workaround, and see if any of
> the failures pop up again.

My Best,

Dave Cooper, Genworks Support
david.cooper at,
USA: 248-327-3253(o), 1-248-330-2979(mobile)
UK: 0191 645 1699
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