[asdf-devel] never ending component relative pathnames

james anderson james.anderson at setf.de
Fri Mar 5 18:06:26 UTC 2010

good evening;

on the occasion of pushing de.setf.graphics down the wire, when i  
built it for ccl/sbcl i did an obligatory pull on asdf and observe  
that something changed in the treatment of modules' component  
relative pathnames. with the effect that it was no longer possible  
possible to build clx. the clx-0-7-4 version as (:relative)  
specification in module pathnames which ran afoul of the asdf  
changes. i applied the same tactic as i have previously found  
effective for source file components and was able to build. the diff 
[1] is posted with the graphics sources.

on other semi-related matters, i can report, that i have now an s3  
ami (linux-2.6.31+ubuntu++^3) with which i can boot an ec2 instance  
with all pieces in place to run the target lisp implementations.

  [1] : http://github.com/lisp/de.setf.graphics/blob/master/readmes/ 

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