[asdf-devel] ASDF testing [2]

james anderson james.anderson at setf.de
Mon Mar 1 21:25:20 UTC 2010

On 2010-03-01, at 21:39 , Faré wrote:

> On 1 March 2010 15:08, james anderson <james.anderson at setf.de> wrote:
>> good morning, gentlemen;
>> [...]
>> so, the basic logistics are clear.
>> thoughts?
> Wonderful. The big question is:
> who's volunteering to do the hard work?
> Are you? I'm not.

well, let's see. i was already contemplating setting up something  
like this for the things i've released.
they're more on the order of the second phase from my earlier  
description, as they bring inter-system dependencies.
relative to which, asdf is easier, but no less useful.

> As for paying the hosting, I'm sure the question will be annoying but
> trivial in comparison.

i'm not worried about that.

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