Bug in path handling on 1.3.2

Mark Evenson evenson at panix.com
Sun May 3 09:27:24 UTC 2015

On 2015/5/3 07:48, Timo Myyrä wrote:

>>> Just tried to update ABCL to 1.3.2 but got error when I tried to load
>>> hunchentoot. The actual error case can reduced to this:
>>> (DIRECTORY #P"/usr/local/bin/../lib/maven-core-*.jar")
>>> I tried above with sbcl, ecl and clisp. All those return nil as result.
>>> With ABCL I get:
>>> Bad place for a wild pathname.
>>>    [Condition of type FILE-ERROR]


> But I looked a bit further into this and noticed that issue seems to only affect
> OpenBSD-current I run on my laptop.  When I evaluated `(DIRECTORY #P"/usr/local/bin/../lib/maven-core-*.jar")' 
> with ABCL 1.3.2 on my OpenBSD 5.6 server, it returns nil. 
> After updating my server to 5.7 and rebuilding ABCL, it still returns nil.
> I'm a bit curious why my laptop running OpenBSD-current behaves differently.
> I tried to manually build the ABCL from the source distribution without using
> OpenBSD ports framework and I still hit the issue.
> Here's the lisp implementation, its same on 5.7 and -current.
> "1.3.2"
> "OpenJDK_64-Bit_Server_VM-Oracle_Corporation-1.7.0_71-b14"
> "amd64-OpenBSD-5.7"
> CL-USER(4): 


Indeed mysterious, but at least there is a potential difference in that
you are encountering the difference between OpenBSD 5.7 and CURRENT
(although now that CURRENT has become 5.7, we'd have to examine your
local notion of CURRENT.)  If you have the time, you could build another
CURRENT instance from the same source to see if you can duplicate the
error on a machine (or virtualization instance) other than your laptop.
 But that is probably more effort than the problem warrants.

Wild-assed-guess:  does the argument you are passing to DIRECTORY fail
to exist on both machines from the view of the kernel?  i.e. from a
shell with globbing, does

	openbsd$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/../lib/maven-core-*.jar

return no results on all your machines?

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