[xcvb-devel] make test fails

Faré fahree at gmail.com
Sat Nov 6 13:46:53 UTC 2010

> on the other hand, i do have a .sbclrc which loads a non-trivial file
> that, besides other things, walks my workspace and extends the source
> registry with the stuff in workspace/ and workspace/global/ (a symlink
> to /usr/share/common-lisp/source/).
> the file in question is:
> http://dwim.hu/darcsweb/darcsweb.cgi?r=HEAD%20hu.dwim.environment;a=headblob;f=/source/environment.lisp
> maybe a --no-userinit is missing from sbcl? although that file would
> print stuff that i don't see in the output... so, probably not.
Oh, I think I understand the confusion here:

* while XCVB shares with ASDF the CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY variable and the
 ~/.config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf configuration file, etc.,
 and even reuses the ASDF code for parsing configuration files,
 it doesn't actually get its data from asdf's *source-registry*.
 Indeed, ASDF is tailored to look for .asd files and stores an ordered
 list of directories holding .asd files, whereas XCVB looks for build.xcvb
 files, and stores an actual hash-table of such files, indexed by name,
 eliminating similarly named builds in the same configured tree as conflicts.

* XCVB also doesn't look for things ASDF's legacy configuration variable

* Therefore, any ASDF-specific environment setting you do in your
 environment.lisp file is lost to XCVB.

* There is currently no way to tell XCVB to load some file into XCVB itself
 before to run its normal functions, but a new command might be added that
 does this: load its first argument, execute the rest of the arguments as
 a command (if any argument left). Left as an exercise to the reader, though.

* Considering what your file does, can't you just
	export CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY="$(readlink -f $PWD/../..)//:"
 in your configure.mk ?

Sorry for the slow reply.

[ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ]
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