[hunchentoot-devel] What does +latin-1+ means ?

z_axis z_axis at 163.com
Fri Jan 13 06:54:47 UTC 2012

Can we use +utf-8+ instead of +latin-1+ in handler ?  It is a newbie  
question but the following code doesnot work using +latin-1+:

(let ((out (flexi-streams:make-flexi-stream
           :external-format tbnl::+utf-8+)))    ; tbnl::+;latin-1+ doesnot  
      (copy-stream in out 'character))

where, "in" holds utf-8 data.

In hunchentoot-1.2.2, it says that +latin-1+ is "A FLEXI-STREAMS external  
format used for `faithful' input and output of binary data.",
which i cannot understand very well.


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