[hunchentoot-devel] Problem with (setf (hunchentoot:reply-external-format*) ...)

Raymond Wiker rwiker at gmail.com
Tue Jan 10 16:18:12 UTC 2012

On Jan 10, 2012, at 16:44 , Hans Hübner wrote:
> You may want to use HUNCHENTOOT:*CATCH-ERRORS-P* and/or
> CL:*BREAK-ON-SIGNALS* to get more information about the error.

On a fresh Lispworks instance, on my MacBook, I get a heap of messages like

[2012-01-10 17:13:59 [ERROR]] Error while processing connection: No applicable methods for #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION FLEXI-STREAMS:EXTERNAL-FORMAT-NAME 21A56722> with args (:UTF8)

--- sooo, it appears that Hunchentoot is only prepared to accept a flexi-streams:external-format, and not just a keyword symbol. I have the explanation I needed, and at least two acceptable fixes :-)

Thanks, and sorry for the noise.

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