[hunchentoot-devel] Different accessors in define-easy-handler

Nicolas Neuss neuss at kit.edu
Wed Dec 15 11:07:50 UTC 2010


since some time I use a patch for DEFINE-EASY-HANDLER which makes it
work correctly with multiple accessors (I hope).  Here it is.

(I am not quite sure if it has not been corrected yet.  The patch is
against Hunchentoot-1.1.1 from Quicklisp.)


--- easy-handlers.lisp~	2010-11-30 10:34:27.000000000 +0100
+++ easy-handlers.lisp	2010-11-30 10:46:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -288,8 +288,11 @@
                  (setq *easy-handler-alist*
                        (delete-if (lambda (list)
-                                    (or (equal ,uri (first list))
-                                        (eq ',name (third list))))
+                                    (and (or (equal ,uri (first list))
+                                             (eq ',name (third list)))
+                                         (or (eq ,acceptor-names t)
+                                             (intersection ,acceptor-names
+                                                           (second list)))))
                  (push (list ,uri ,acceptor-names ',name) *easy-handler-alist*)))))
        (defun ,name (&key ,@(loop for part in lambda-list

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