[hunchentoot-devel] Soft shutdown

Daniel Weinreb dlw at itasoftware.com
Fri Dec 3 23:00:19 UTC 2010

Hi.  It would be extremely helpful to us if Hunchentoot
had what we call a "soft shutdown".  This would be
like shutdown, except that any request currently
in progress would continue until its reply is sent
back to the client.

We want to have a comment for our own server that
will do this.

We do not need for Hunchentoot to worry about cases
where the request handler turns out to take forever
or a very long time.  We are happy to say that in such
cases, we will take care of it exogenously.  In our
case, we'd set up a timeout and "kill -9" the
Lisp in this case.

I have implemented a kludgey implementation of this
for the time being.  It only works for the single-threaded
mode, since that's all I need, and I wanted to keep the
changes as simple as possible.

I have attached the patch.

Thank you.

-- Dan

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