[hunchentoot-devel] Using multiple Hunchentoot-Requests in one thread

Chris Dean ctdean at sokitomi.com
Wed May 28 23:38:41 UTC 2008

css <css at swissjabber.ch> writes:
> Hm. I guess what I want is best explained as some "Polling-Mode" for
> requests. I.e. having a main loop in one thread, "polling" or waiting
> for new requests, an then scheduling myself the input and output
> inside this one thread. My problem is that the number of threads I can
> use is bounded at a low bound, and I do not want to "waste" threads
> for something, that doesnt need them - i.e. I would like to schedule
> the requests and their processing myself, not relying on some threaded
> interface. I wonder if this is possible with hunchentoot.

Sure, I got it.  A very reasonable desire for a high performance
server.  I don't believe this is possible in Hunchentoot as it stands
now - the current code is very thread based.

HTTP is a fairly simple protocol and you could use Hunchentoot as a
starting point for implementing your system.

Chris Dean

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