[hunchentoot-devel] script-name*

Cyrus Harmon ch-tbnl at bobobeach.com
Tue Jun 24 21:24:04 UTC 2008

Well, it looks like Hans found the same problem I found with script- 
name, but, and this is a very minor stylistic point, since we already  
have the request here, why don't we just call (script-name request)  
instead of (script-name*)?



Index: headers.lisp
--- headers.lisp	(revision 3320)
+++ headers.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -162,10 +162,10 @@
                             "The server could not verify that you are  
authorized to access the document requested.  Either you supplied the  
wrong credentials \(e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't  
understand how to supply the credentials required.")
                             (format nil "You don't have permission to  
access ~A on this server."
-                                   (script-name*)))
+                                   (script-name request)))
                             (format nil "The requested URL ~A was not  
found on this server."
-                                   (script-name*)))
+                                   (script-name request)))
                             "Your browser sent a request that this  
server could not understand.")
                            (otherwise ""))

instead of 

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