[hunchentoot-devel] Errors with test pages

Jong-won Choi jc at itsec.co.kr
Thu Mar 8 05:27:58 UTC 2007


I have errors with Hunchentoot's test pages - 'GET parameter handling 
with UTF-8 charset' and 'POST parameter handling with UTF-8 charset' get 

I thought (setf (content-type) ...) in parameter-test function does this 
utf-8 magic, but it seems it does not work and raise an error later.

I'm trying standalone Hunchentoot - I'm an old TBNL user. TBNL (with 
lighttpd + fastcgi) test pages work fine.

My configurations is:

Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS
LW 4.4.6 Professional
chunga-0.2.4 cl-base64-3.3.2 cl-ppcre-1.2.19 cl-who-0.6.3
flexi-streams-0.10.3 hunchentoot-0.6.2 md5-1.8.5 rfc2388
trivial-gray-streams-2006-09-16 url-rewrite-0.1.1

Anyone can confirm the test pages are working? Fix for this problem?


Jong-won Choi

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