[tbnl-devel] Re: Hunchentoot for SBCL and other Lisps

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Sun Oct 1 20:11:51 UTC 2006

On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 13:18:13 -0400, Travis Cross <travis at travislists.com> wrote:

> After killing the workers, STOP-SERVER tries to PROCESS-KILL the
> main listener.  The main listener though, as returned in the object
> from START-SERVER, is actually a socket, not a thread.
> This is the case because START-UP-SERVER in port-sbcl.lisp returns a
> socket when START-SERVER is expecting a thread.
> The attached patch remedies this, as also takes care of closing the
> socket when the thread dies.

Ah, yes, thanks.  I had this in mind for a second, but it somehow
managed to slip through.  Seems like I never stopped the damn thing
when testing it... :)

Is there a guarantee in SBCL that the cleanup forms of an
UNWIND-PROTECT are executed when a thread is killed?

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