slime on github

João Távora joaotavora at
Thu Jan 9 12:15:02 UTC 2014

Paul Bowyer <pbowyer at> writes:

> I've recently become aware the slime is now on github, so I downloaded and
> installed a copy. It ran, but there is a window in my copy of emacs-23.4.1
> filled with warnings related to ert.el which indicate that it can't be found.
>  A list of the warnings:
> Warning (emacs): No ert.el found: not defining test enclosing-context.1
> Warning (emacs): No ert.el found: not defining test
> find-local-definitions.1

These are just warnings about slime's self-tests. You needn't worry
about them. Actually, you wouldn't see them if 'slime-tests.el' weren't
loaded, but it is everytime you load a contrib for normal usage (it
shouldn't be so and this will be fixed).

> I looked around for a copy of ert.el and ert-x.el and I found a couple of files
> that looked reasonable, but they won't load so I wonder if you know how to get
> those files that are compatible with emacs-23.4.1?

In the current, "make ensure_ert" should make sure they are
downloaded. "make clean" and "make compile" should do the rest. In the
future they will probably be bundled.

> The github copy of slime seems to load OK, but I haven't really tried using it
> for development with the warnings I was getting.

The new developments are ambitious and there will be instability with
the trunk. To be on the safe side clone the SLIME_2 tag for now. Before
long, we will release a version that fixes these ert-related issues and
possibly bundles

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